
Showing posts from January, 2021

LTC Level Customer Service

by Martin George                As a language service provider, we are in the business of customer service.  That should be a simple concept.  Someone has a need and we as a company meet that need.  But as you know, it is not that simple. After 28 years in the industry, we know how our services work and generally what our customers need.  We still listen and ensure each of the services we offer is right for the intended audience.  However, from time to time, people have a different expectation on what they thought would happen, how fast the process would go, or the linguistic accuracy both semantically and syntactically. That is where the fun begins.  It is always a wonderful experience to work through the process with our clients and see the light bulb turn on.  We want them to have a great experience as much as we do.   For example, when providing a technical translation, our translators can translate 2,000 unique words per day into the target language.   Then it must be proof